Technicians Norway
Innkjøpsspesialist for biler - Bli med i teamet vårt!
Vil du være en del af et dynamisk team inden for køb af biler? Vi søger en passioneret og erfaren professionel, der vil spille en nøglerolle i strategisk bilkøb for vores ekspanderende virksomhed. Ønsker du at tjene seriøst eller er det nok for dig med en ekstra indtjening, her hos os kan du få begge dele.
Registrierung techniker
We are looking for technicians for this location.
Member registration
Automotive Purchasing Specialist - Join Our Team!
Do you want to be part of a dynamic team in the automotive purchasing field? We are looking for a passionate and experienced professional to play a key role in strategic car purchasing for our expanding company. Whether you want to earn a substantial income or just some extra money, both are possible with us.